SITUATED beside the commentator’s box at Killossery Lodge Stud on Saturday for day one of the Overlander/Irish Pony Club National Minimus Championships, was Kieran Reynolds, plant manager at the N7 Commercial Centre.

That Naas firm both sells and leases Overlander horseboxes and Kieran was happy to talk to all those who showed interest in the vehicles. Kieran enjoyed the outing in the sunshine watching the action, his days of doing so with trepidation when his daughter rode being behind him!

Down outside the indoor arena, we came across two, or perhaps three, staunch Irish Pony Club supporters. At her colourful stand was author Elaine Heney, who gave a brief guide to her books, while Donal O’Beirne of Hoofprints Innovations was providing fittings for his safety products.

And the third staunch IPC supporter? Scruffy Joe, of course, who was doing what Scruffy Joe does!