HAVE you got your team together for the racing quiz in the Lord Bagenal Hotel in Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow on Tuesday week, February 16th? In memory of the late Mark O’Hanlon of Irish Thoroughbred Marketing, the quiz is being backed by the ITBA and places can be reserved on (045) 877543.
Separately the ITBA is handling an auction of 10 items in aid of the Naughton Family Trust, set up to support the family of the late David Naughton of Loughtown Stud. The auction items are a table for 10 at the Galway Plate sponsored by the ITBA, two All-Ireland hurling final tickets, two tonnes of Red Mills square cubes, a lorryload of Boomerang shavings, a four-ball at The K Club, hospitality package on a non-festival Punchestown raceday, Curragh Racecourse annual membership, a €1,000 Equisoft voucher, a €500 Ardmore Equine voucher, and a free Goresbridge Breeze-Up Sale entry. Details will follow soon on how to place bids or you can contact the ITBA offices for more information.