THE ITBA is launching its Summer Tour Series which will feature a number of behind-the-scenes tours of industry businesses. This is a great opportunity for breeders to understand more about what each of the enterprises do and how to boost their own businesses.

The Summer tour kicks off on Thursday, August 8th, at 2.30pm, with a tour of the Irish Farriery School during the students’ work day. This tour includes a short seminar on ‘Corrective Shoeing for Sales Preparation’.

The Irish School of Farriery is located at the Racing Academy and Centre of Education (RACE) on the Curragh. It assists in the training of farrier apprentices and the development of a modern farriery syllabus. Run under the Irish Farrier Authority, the School of Farriery is where Irish apprentices undertake their practical and theoretical assessments. The Farriery school is the only training centre that offers accredited training to apprentices in the Republic of Ireland and is highly regarded around the world.

The tour will take place during the students’ work day in the forge where attendees can gain an understanding of the training involved for farrier apprentices. A seminar on ‘Corrective Shoeing for Sales Preparation’ will be held following the tour.

Places will be limited and pre-registration is required, please email to Hannah at or call the ITBA HQ on 045-877 543.